Head of Global Programme Training – Peek Vision 2019-2021
World Council of Optometry Congress Planning Committee 2015-2021
Vision Aid Overseas Programme Director Botswana - 2007-2021
Vision Aid Overseas team training visits to Zambia, Uganda, Ethiopia, and Botswana
Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers Court Assistant · 2017 – 2021
European Academy of Optometry & Optics – Fellow - 2011-2021
American Academy of Optometry – Fellow and Diplomate ·2010 - 2021
Karen Sparrow
The Late Karen Sparrow
MS KAREN SPARROW Appointed to World Council of Optometry Congress Planning Committee 2015-2021. Passed away 4/1/2022
Karen Sparrow was a UK optometrist who epitomized community spirit in every part of her life. From her roles as an optometrist in practice, as a mentor and a lecturer, Karen genuinely believed in serving. Over the years, she led team training visits to Zambia, Uganda, Ethiopia, and Botswana, as she enabled health workers around the world to help reduce avoidable blindness. She was an active volunteer with WCO, and truly endorsed the role of public health in optometry. This Memorial Lecture honours our colleague and friend. She is deeply missed.